The Week From Hades

Wow. Has this been a killer week, or what? I barely recovered from getting the tax return done when I had to get my husband ready for a trip out of town from Sunday to Thursday (which he didn't tell me about until the previous Wednesday night), had to design, print, label, and mail an announcement postcard for Trouble Down The Road, had to finalize copy for my mini-blog tour (kicking off today at SORMAG), had to get that mainstream synopsis finished once and for all, and on top of that, I had a flat tire (why does this always happen when Bernard is out of town)?

Maybe we'll go to the movies tonight. I hear Death of a Funeral is supposed to be pretty funny. Chris Rock is one of my favorite comedians, but an actor he's not. Anybody seen it?

Right now I'm listening to some of my favorite un-cool music, like Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford and the them to The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly by Hugo Montenegro (okay, so I personally think both of these are cool). What are some of your favorite un-cool songs?

A good weekend to all!


PatriciaW said...

How was Death of a Funeral? Hopefully this week holds better times for you.

Thanks for posting on my blog.

bettye griffin said...

It was amusing, Patricia, but considering the talent of the cast, could have been much better, IMO.

Yes, things will finally calm down now that the book is in the stores. Now that my synopses have both been turned in, I'll be returning my attentions to my next Bunderful Books novel and storyboarding another idea I've had.

Lori said...

I thought I was the only one who felt that way about Chris Rock. I feel the opposite about Eddie Murphy. I think he's a better actor than comedian, though I do wish he'd chose better parts . . .