Go lay down, Sally
I saw a commercial this morning that I hoped had been retired. Sally Field is a great actress, winning two Best Actress Oscars, but even she couldn't convince me that "setting time aside" daily or weekly to take an osteoporosis medication is such an inconvenience. I mean, how long does it take to swallow a pill? (The medication she is hawking, Boniva, is taken once a month.)
Also, note how her brown hair is streaked with gray in these commercials. Sally is aging beautifully - those cheekbones I remember from her Gidget days have served her well. I guess the manufacturers didn't want her to look too young. You can bet you won't see any gray in her role as mother of several grown children on Brothers & Sisters . . . .
Then again, maybe I'm just cranky. I'm on my traditional week-before-vacation starvation diet, trying to fill up on Honey Bunches of Oats, fruit, and smoothies in an effort to lose a few pounds. I've been doing this since Monday and don't think I've lost so much as an ounce!
I saw this commercial and wondered what was up with her hair. She sure enough doesn't have all that gray hair on "Brothers and Sisters." Good luck with the diet. I feel your pain. I'm supposed to be starting one now for my 20-year high school reunion in October. It's so hard...
At least you're giving yourself plenty of time, Gwyneth! But October is when we're hosting my mother's 90th birthday party, so maybe we can be diet partners through email or something . . .
Still on the cereal/fruit for breakfast and salad for lunch, but I did go to a retirement party yesterday afternoon and stuffed myself with hors d'oeuvres (boiled large shrimp, stuffed shrimp, potstickers with unknown but really good stuffing, chicken wings, and miniature desserts like petit fours, cream puffs, and of course, cake. Set myself back all week, probably, but at least I didn't eat dinner.
I've seen that commercial too. I don't watch Brothers & Sisters though :)
My mom and I just had a discussion about these few strands of gray hairs I have--its only growing in one spot and it looks funny to me so I am getting my hair dyed. The reason why its a hot topic because I'll be turning 4-0 this year (God willing) and it seems that everything from hair to body is changing. Now I have to figure out if I want auburn or a shade of brown (my hair's natural jet black).
Shelia, your comment about your gray growing in one spot reminds me of the lead character in my next women's fiction, who was also getting gray in one spot and was concerned about looking like "a damn raccoon."
Personally, I think gray streaks are attractive, and I'll bet yours look good!
lol Bettye...I didn't quite use the word raccoon, but I did describe it as a "skunk" when me and my mom were talking about it. How hilarious though. I can't wait to read your next book.
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