I Hope They Have MSNBC in Heaven

I'm shocked to learn of the sudden death of TV journalist Tim Russert. Those of us who have watched campaign coverage on MSNBC or watch the Today show or Meet the Press are familiar with Tim. Early reports say he collapsed at the news bureau while recording voice-overs for Sunday's edition of Meet the Press.

I loved his enthusiasm. He clearly was having the time of his life as he reported on what he called the most exciting Presidential contest ever.
I'm not one to second guess God, but I do have to wonder. If He wanted to call this man home after just 58 years on earth, would it really have been a big deal to wait until after the election?
My condolences to his family, especially his father, the "Big Russ" of Tim's bestselling book. Losing a child is hard at any age, but the shock of it can be devastating to an aged heart.
I'm shocked.


Lori said...

Yeah, I just called the hubby about this. He was/is a big Russert fan. I can't say I really WATCH Meet The Press or MSNBC, but I do LISTEN while I'm sitting at the computer and the hubby is sitting in front of the tube, getting his regular fix (smile). I will certainly miss Russert's voice. The news world just won't be the same without him.

Anonymous said...

Another fan here. It was shocking to see this man so vibrant and healthy looking on tv one minute, and in the next to suddenly hear of his death. My favorite thing about him was that in a world full of media bias and manipulation I would watch Meet The Press and get a "fair" analysis of an issue. He walked the line without ever revealing his own preference, and in such an emotional political season that could'nt have been easy. RIP, Tim.

Anonymous said...

This shocked me too. Just another reminder that we're just passing through and to make the most of the time we have here. My prayers go out to his family and friends as well.