Trouble Down The Road...the trailer

Here it is. I hope all of you plan to try your hand at Movie Trivia, right here, kicking off tomorrow. You can win an autographed copy of the new secondary prizes as well!

Incidentally, the girl representing the character of Micheline is actually my niece, Lorna, who bore a striking resemblance to the model on the cover. Thanks, Lorna, for helping Auntie out!


Katrina said...

I liked the trailer Bettye. Cool that you did it yourself--couldn't tell by watching it.

Have you had much success with book trailers? I'm considering doing one for my novel.

bettye griffin said...

I've definitely improved since my early efforts, Katrina! Glad you liked it.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't know how to measure the success of a trailer. But it doesn't hurt, since I do them in my spare time at a cost of next to nothing. (Paying somebody to write and produce it is not an option I would consider; I've never been one to invest heavily into my writing career.)

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!