Movin' On

Last weekend I saw my 10th romance novel, A Love For All Seasons, at a Barnes & Noble in a nearby town.

I always get a rush when I see a new book I’ve authored on the shelves for the first time. It’s one thing that still thrills, even after 13 novels (technically 12; the 13th doesn’t come out until the end of May). This one is rather bittersweet.

This is my 10th Arabesque romance, and also my last.

I’ve been dropped by my publisher like a proverbial hot potato.

The reasons have not been explained to me, at least not yet. I’ve known about this for some time now, and at this point I’m not holding my breath waiting for an explanation, although I feel I deserve one, just for courtesy's sake. In all honesty, even if I did know the reasons I wouldn’t announce them. There’s a fine line between being open and honest about their dropping me (because, after all, I really don’t have to prove anything to anybody) and putting out my personal “bizness.”

But, forthcoming explanation or not, the end result is still the same.

Time to move on.


Monica Jackson said...

I'm sorry to hear this. It's every author's nightmare.

But sometimes change comes for reason and in moving on you might get your best opportunities yet.

Fingers crossed for you!

bettye griffin said...

Thanks, Monica! I can't say it's really a nightmare. It did come as a surprise, but not of the magnitude of, say, a wife getting tossed aside after 20 years because hubby wants a younger model with better curves, something that happens every day (but not to me, if my husband knows what's good for him!) My mainstream stories will continue; it's just the future of my romance writing that's in question. But my agent is on it.

We'll see where it goes.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Hi Bettye,

Sorry to hear this. I'll send lots of positive energy your way in hopes that your romance novels end up right where you want them.


bettye griffin said...

Thanks, Gwyneth! I figure that if I'm meant to continue writing romance, I'll write it, and if not, I won't.

Kara Lennox said...


This happened to me--twice. Once after twenty-seven books, then after three. You'll find a new home. The vagueries of publishing--yeesh!