And Away We Go!
I'm surfacing from under a huge workload - both personally and professionally - to say how pleased I am to see the Democratic nomination finally clinched by Barack Obama. I hope that all those who have lived and died before me, including my dear father, are somehow aware of this groundbreaking news. For those whose lives were snuffed out in the name of voting rights, like Vernon Dahmer, Jimmie Lee Jackson, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, Viola Liuzzo, and on and on, I hope the news reaches Heaven. Just thinking about this - something I never expected to see in my lifetime - brings tears to my eyes.
That said, I would plead with Senator Obama to please do not offer the Vice Presidency to Senator Clinton. Do you really want this woman with her ruthless ambition to get into the history books to be one heartbeat away from what will hopefully be your job - the top job in the world? If you do, you'd better be prepared to butt heads with both her and her husband.
And with her as second in command, you'd better make sure you have someone to taste your food . . . and to check your limo and bed for bombs.
Okay, so it would be a bit much, even for Senator Clinton and President Clinton, to arrange to have you rubbed out. But thoughts are free, and personally, I think they're hoping something will happen to eliminate you from the picture so she can claim what she has always felt is rightfully hers. There are plenty of wonderful choices you can make for the #2 spot.
Think about it, Senator, please!


PatriciaW said...

Not letting Hillary or anyone else ruin this moment!

Savoring the victory...

Lori said...

Oh, you hit it dead on the head, Betty! As I've said elsewhere, Obama inviting Hill to be VP would be like slitting his own throat. Hopefully, Michelle won't let that happen (smile). I lost a lot of respect for both Bill and Hill during this nomination process. Were I Obama, I'd offer her a position, just not 2nd in command.

Anonymous said...

I was so proud when it was announced he clinched the nomination last night. I didn't bother to watch Hillary's speech but have seen clips from it today--not too flattering for her. Edwards would be my ideal VP choice for him.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

I think that if he offered her the VP position, she would do something to sabotage the campaign so that she could have a shot to run for president again in 4 years...


bettye griffin said...

Good for you, Patricia!

Lori, I agree about Michelle. Smart woman, that one.

Shelia, I think Edwards would prefer to be Attorney General. He already made a run for VP and failed. Obama needs someone with more foreign policy experience, since he's a little weak in that area.

Amen, Gwyneth!