You Can Tell the Price of Gas Has Risen When . . .

The sign on the gas pumps at Wal-Mart that said, "No Pre-Pay Necessary . . . We Trust You" has been taken down and replaced with "You MUST swipe your credit card or pay inside before any gas will be dispensed."

Three-twenty a gallon. Damn.


Gwyneth Bolton said...

Hmmm.... I'm still processing the fact that they actually used to have a sign that read, "No Pre-Pay Necessary... We Trust You." LOL. That's rare in 2007...


bettye griffin said...

In all honesty, Gwyneth, a foot or two to the right of the "We Trust You" sign was a small warning sticker that said something along the lines of, "All drive-offs will be prosecuted." So they trust(ed) people . . . as long as their security cameras would allow!
