Movie Trivia Answer to Question #6 and New Question (#7)

Gee, I hope I've got those numbers right. Anyway, the answer to yesterday's quote, a line that mentioned something about not being in Kansas anymore: The movie was The Wizard of Oz (1939). The character to whom it was directed was Toto, the dog.

One person had the Toto part right, but said the movie was Gone With The Wind. Same year, but no match. Unfortunately, you can't get the bonus point unless you name the correct movie as well.

If my memory serves me correctly, both the correct movie and the bonus portion were named by Reon, who scored two more points. Shelia named the movie but not the bonus portion, so she gets one point. I'll post the current scores tomorrow. Right now I'm rushing - you might say I'm off to see the wizard - so on to today's question. You'll have until Tuesday to come up with the answer.

What film did this line come from:

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."

Two bonus points for anyone who can also name the character who said this in the film the first time (it was later repeated by another character, but I don't want his name.) That's an opportunity to earn three points, y'all!

I'm off like dirty underwear. Gotta post the answers y'all gave and then get outta here. See ya later.


PatriciaW said...

Can't live with my husband and not know this one.

Don Corleone (the father, i.e. played by Marlon Brando) to Johnny Fontaine in The Godfather (the original).

I think my husband can quote every line from all three movies.