They're precious, so treat them that way

I did a book signing last week at a mall, which always gives me an opportunity to do some people-watching. I saw a scene that disturbed me. A family of four was walking through the book store (not because they wanted to browse, but because they parked closest to that particular exit). Mom went first, followed by a little boy of about 7. Then came Dad, and then, about 6 feet behind, came a little girl about 2, maybe younger. Not only was the child walking alone well behind her family, but neither parent even turned to see if she was keeping up.

When my stepdaughter came to visit us, I never let her out of my sight. She returned shopping carts to the outdoor corral under my eagle eye. When walking in crowded public places, at least that first year (she was 6 at the time,) I usually held her hand.

Anybody could have grabbed this child at the mall, and the parents wouldn't have been any the wiser. That's a sad commentary.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree! I have a very busy 3-yo and he bolts every time he gets the chance. I can't tell you how many times I've had mild coronaries when I've tried to find him and he's hiding somewhere and won't respond.

He likes to be free and most of the time he doesn't like holding my hand. So now, we take his trike (with the parent handlebar) and that keeps him busy and within sight at all times - until he jumps off the bike and runs...

bettye griffin said...

I didn't even know they made tricycles with parent handlebars! Can you tell I don't have kids?