I'll Bet She'd Own Slaves if She Could

When Geraldine Ferraro was plucked from obscure New York congresswoman back in 1984 to run with Walter Mondale on his Presidential ticket, much was made of her humble beginnings as the daughter of Italian immigrants. She was presented to the public as an ordinary Queens housewife who ran for Congress but was soon revealed to be a millionaire. She countered the negative publicity arising from the duplicity by stressing how hard she worked to get where she is, etc.

It's remarkable how certain people - and I'm not going to mention what people - have a sense of entitlement, whether born into wealth or attain it later in life, and that these same people look at another group of people and see them solely as products of Affirmative Action.

You aren't being attacked because you're white, Dummy. You're being attacked because you expressed a belief that black people can't possibly get ahead through hard work, but only because of the breaks they receive. And you're too stupid to realize how utterly asinine such a belief that is.

The fact that so many other Americans look at Barack Obama and see someone they feel should be helping them with their luggage at the airport, or see Michelle Obama - an accomplished attorney in her own right - as someone who should be cleaning their toilets, makes the votes he is winning that much more remarkable.


DonnaD said...

What's even more disgusting is the fact the Clinton refuses to "denounce and reject" Ferraro's remarks or ask her to leave her staff. If Obama had kept the staffer who called Clinton a monster, Billary would have been raising holy hell all in the media.

And while we're on the topic of dumb remarks, did you see "The View" on Monday? I wanted to take that Elizabeth Hasselbeck and blow some air into her head.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Okay, what did I miss. I have to admit, I have stopped paying attention to the race for the Democratic nomination. Is it just me or is it sort of like watching paint dry.... I figure, I've voted, wake me when they have a winner. I think I got this way after the last big primary and that guy on CNN did the math for both candidates and figured out that even if either one of them one all of the coming primaries, neither would have enough delegates to win the nomination and we would have to go all the way to the convention with the super delegates. That was when they lost me. So, I must have missed this latest yawn... scandal... yawn... Which makes me sad because there is absolutely nothing particularly exciting about this historic moment and it shouldn't be that way... Oh well.

bettye griffin said...

Donna, the message here that is what is deemed the right thing to do for the candidate is different from the right thing for their competition . . . although I believe that the most recent developments have Hillary being a little more forceful in distancing herself from Geraldine. I didn't see The View, but I do know that Elizabeth is a conservative Republican, and I would expect not to share her views.

Gwyneth, I know what you mean. I've tried not to get caught up in all the B.S., but Geraldine's remarks really got to me. I'm so tired of people not equating accomplishment with merit when it comes to black people. As Bob Herbert so graciously said, "That was a very ungracious thing to say."

Thanks for weighing in!

PatriciaW said...

So she finally stepped down but it took days and a retarded response from the Clinton campaign before it happened.

I too was appalled, remembering Ms. Ferraro's lift from obscurity to the national political platform. My, how soon some folks forget! Or, my preferred sentiment, folks are showing their true selves.

bettye griffin said...

Patricia, Here's hoping the attention is returned to the issues at hand and the claims being made (and the shooting down of any that are untrue). As of Monday New York State will have its first black governor, a remarkable man who did not let a physical handicap keep him from completing law school (of course, people like Ms. Ferraro will say he just got through because he's black . . . .)

PatriciaW said...

Yeah, my husband knows Lt. Gov. Patterson. Went to school with one of his close aides. His dad is from our neck of the woods on Long Island. Here's to hoping he does a wonderful job!