Who's Making Love to Your Old Lady While You Were Out Making Love

Let me get this right . . . the President was getting a blow job in the Oval Office, which he dismissed as not sexual relations (yeah . . . just a snack). The governor of New Jersey was having a menage a trois with his wife and other men (but his wife said she had no idea he was bisexual when she filed for divorce). The governor of New York was flying hookers down to D.C. with public funds. The marriage of his replacement, with both him and his wife admitting to extramarital affairs, is best expressed by the Johnnie Taylor classic from which I quoted above.

How the heck does anything get done in the world of politics, with everybody out fucking all the time?


Anonymous said...

I like how the new NY governor and his wife tossed the bones out of their closet before someone else sniffed them out. Smart preemptive strike.

Reon :-)

Gwyneth Bolton said...

It makes me see why the divorce rates are so high... no one takes the vows seriously anymore... Now I wanna go listen to that song.... Who's making love to your old lady, while you've been out making love... LOL. That is the perfect song for the private lives of public figures these days it seems. Good pick, Bettye!


bettye griffin said...

I do agree it was smart of them to address the situation before someone uncovered it, Reon, but I'd respect them more if there'd been no need to air the dirty laundry. Don't get me wrong; my upcoming novel contains adulterous sex. But who needs to read a steamy novel with all these goings-on with real people?

Gwyneth, I'm sure all these couples love each other very much . . . until somebody gets pissed about something and holds a hell of a grudge (this stepping out apparently went on for several years). I'm glad they patched it up, but I can't help thinking that something is very wrong with our society today.

Anonymous said...

That's the perfect song for the situation. Nothing like listening to some blues early in the morning :)

I agree - "I'd respect them more if there'd been no need to air the dirty laundry."

Melissa Blue said...

If having a sex scandal is a requirement to go into politics I think I have a few people I can nominate.

PatriciaW said...

You really are a bit cranky this week, aren't you? You spared no feelings with that last line! LOL!

All of this is too sad. Sad, sad, sad! Does anyone in politics or religion believe in fidelity anymore? I say religion because from what we've seen recently, it's not much different behind those closed doors. Maybe folks need release after dealing with such high-level stress. Understandable but gee!

Raquetball, anyone?

bettye griffin said...

Shelia, I've been humming that damn song for the last two days. Can't get it out of my head!

Mel, That was a good one!

Patricia, Normally I do try to watch my mouth, but every once in a while some real crank comes through. And I'd love to play racquetball. My cough can be the ball. I'd sure like to beat the hell out of it.

Lori said...

I keep coming back to your post and laughing (smile). But on a more serious note, maybe that's why so much in this country stays so f'ed up all the time . . .