Movie Trivia Answer to Question #11 and New Question #12

The question "Why do all you college boys wear those faggoty-looking white shoes?" was said in the classic film adaptation of the stage play A Raisin in the Sun (1961). It came from the mouth of Sidney Poitier and was asked of Louis Gossett, Jr., who was wearing the white shoes. Sidney Poitier, already a star by the time he reprised his stage role, won an Oscar for Best Actor just a few years later for Lilies of the Field (1963). Lou Gossett was just beginning his career, but won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar 21 years later for An Officer and a Gentleman (1982).

I've loved this story ever since my late brother Peter played Travis in a Yonkers High School production in 1967, but something about it doesn't make sense to me. The family patriarch, Walter Lee Younger, Sr., has passed away before the action begins, but his widow, Lena, says that they lived in this apartment from the time they married. My confusion comes in here: The apartment has two bedrooms. Junior and his wife Ruth have one bedroom, and presumably Walter Sr. and Lena shared the other. Beneatha is shown sharing the bedroom with her widowed mother . . . but where did Beneatha sleep before her father died? The couch is already taken, by young Travis.

I think this was an oversight, but it's an important one, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed something unexplained.

To quote Beneatha's response upon learning of Ruth's pregnancy, "Where's it going to sleep, on the roof?"
All right. Enough of my ranting . . . but the perfectionist in me hates it when major plot points are just glossed over.
Okay, now for the scores. This was a big one, folks, 1 point and a total of 6 bonus points. Both Reon and Donna got all portions right.
Reon has 16 OGGS
Patricia has 13 OGGS
Donna has 12 OGGS
Shelia has 8 OGGS
Mel has 6 OGGS
Janie, Gwyneth, and Patsy are trailing. But Gwyneth received of bouquet of Emma Award nominations, so I know she's not feeling it! Congratulations, Gwyneth! To think I can say I knew you when you posted on my blog . . . .
On to today's question. The quote first:

"You want my arm to fall off?"

This is an easy one, folks. Name the movie it came from for 1 point. Name the actor who said it for an additional 1 bonus point. Note, bonus points are only given if the first part of the question is answered correctly.
See you tomrrow!


Gwyneth Bolton said...

Finally one I can get! LOL.

Lady Sings the Blues

Billy Dee Williams



Melissa Blue said...

The Lady that Sings the Blues(?) said by Billie Dee Williams.

Anonymous said...

Billy Dee Williams and Lady Sings The Blues.
